Saturday 1 May 2021

Overall return up to 200%. Vaxart and Novavax have explosive weeks.

Strong week for COVID  VACCINE STOCKS - particularly the TOP TEN. The overall return jumped back up to 200% from 178%.

Vaxart broke out, jumping its return by 184% up to 276%. The stock exploded into the TOP TEN up to 7th place overall, causing Heat Biologics to slide out.

As great as Vaxart's week was, Novavax had another amazing bounce back week, lifting it up 183% - up to 1381%. 

BioNTech continued its strong performance with a 43% increase, securing its third place position. Altimmune is returning to former glory, gaining 55% in overall return this week. GeoVax also strong - gaining 34%.

Immunity Bio was the only TOP TEN stock to lose ground - down 11% in total return.


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