Tuesday 23 February 2021

Second Day of COVID VACCINE STOCK collapse - down 5.7% on average. Even NanTKwest hit hard.

Another bloodbath with exactly the same overall pummeling -- 5.7% -- as yesterday.

Only two stocks managed to buck the trend and 25 fell -- some hard. NanTKwest finally had a down day - it gave back over 23% today. Sorrento and PDS gave back 14%. Earlier in the day there were over ten stocks with double digit losses, but many arrested the fall as the session progressed.

Inovio and Arcturus fell 9%, while Nanoviricides, Geovax and Heat Bio all fell 8%. Other notable losers today include: Moderna, IMV, Vir, OncoSec, Tonix, Gritstone, Dynavax.

After the roaring start to the year, reality is rearing its ugly head.


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