Tuesday 23 June 2020

WOW! COVID VACCINE STOCKS BREAK OUT! Translate Bio and Inovio almost double

June 23 will go down as one of the big days in the COVID VACCINE Stock world. Translate Bio and Inovio blew up - almost doubling in value. 

Translate Bio's deal with Sanofli was the key for TBIO. 

Inovio's deal with the federal government was key for INO:

Even without these monster gains, it was a great day for these stocks. Nano Viricides (NNVC) was up over 11%, Dynavax (DVAX) was up over 10% and Arcutus (ARCT) was up over 8.5%. 

Overall 15 COVID VACCINE Stocks were up and 10 were down. The average COVID VACCINE Stock was up 5.2%. Pretty amazing.

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