Thursday 4 June 2020

JUNE 4, 2020. Another down day for COVID VACCINE STOCKS (17 down 7 up).

Another down day, but this time the overall market was flat with the DOW up just 0.05% up.

On average, the 24 stocks (I added Inovio back in) were down 1.82%. See more about Inovio (INO) below. 

There were 17 down and only seven up.

Today's winner was IBIO, going up 8.33%:  IBIO has announced a second Covid vaccine program.
Today's loser is Altimmune (ALT), down 9.33%.

Don't give up on Novavax (NVAX) and Inovio.

NOTE:  I just gave up on Inovio. I sold my full position.

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