Monday 27 December 2021

Last week of 2021 feels like the end times - Covid Stocks collapsing

Last week of 2021 begins with a Last Days - Armageddon feel. Covid Vaccine stocks collapsing. 

The overall loss was a staggering average of 4.5%. It would take three weeks with losses like this for the value of holdings to be cut in half. 

Alnylam was manhandled with a loss of 17%. Novavax slumped 11%. Heat Bio dropped 10%. The strongest performer "non-Big Boy," PDS, was kicked with more than a 7% loss.

OncoSec is falling off the table, slipping to a company worth just $37 M after losing just under 9% today alone. Immunity Bio took a 7% loss while little Generex continued to stumble badly--dropping below $.06 for the first time, after taking a 5% loss today.


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