Tuesday 2 March 2021

NanoViricides more than Doubles! - masking a market sell-off

RED RIVER for COVID VACCINE STOCKS. Only 4 stocks managed to gain ground while 22 lost.

The numbers would be considerably worse but for NanoViricides blow out day, shooting ahead 57% for its best day on record by far.

The one and two stocks, Novavax and NanTKwest dropped 14% to lead the way down.  Other strong performers of late, Vir and Inovio fell 13%. 

Generex tumbled 9%, while VBI, Adaptive, Sorrento and Translate all fell in the 8% range.

Gritstone had its best day in awhile, bucking the downtrend, climbing 6%.

On average, the stocks fell 2.9%, but without NanoViricides' amazing day, the overall average loss would have been 5.2%.



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