Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Vaccine Breakout Day - May 18, 2020.


Vaccine Breakout Day - May 18, 2020.

Moderna's amazing announcement yesterday blew things up. All 45 folks who took the sample developed antibodies and with the exception of the one person who had a red mark where the vaccine went in, there were no ill effects. Now it's on to the next round of 600 human tests. 

This may be the silver bullet that solves or takes a huge bite out of this plague. Those poor folks in the 1300's dealing with the Black Death did not have a Moderna.

More likely, it won't work or won't work as hoped. It is a new type of vaccine (mRNA) which is a whole different type of platform. Maybe it's the MySpace and we are waiting for Facebook? 

As Barron's points out today (above), Moderna may go it alone in distributing the vaccine. They have also made no commitments not to make money from the vaccine. For the vaccine investor, that's good news. 

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